Even though I was really sick before Christmas, I was trying to keep up with my knitting.
Here is a project I've been working on .
It's a seed stitch cowl, or infinity scarf. Only thing is, I am at the end of the skein and I'm thinking I may just stop here and sew it up and wear it as a neck warmer. It is so thick and warm and I have short hair so it would be just lovely to have it around my neck when I take my puppy out. Especially now since it's 7 degrees outside as I type this.
On the other hand, double of this would be even better for warmth, but might be too thick with my coat.
My husband bought me all kinds of warm layers to wear under jeans and sweaters when I walk Rory. It has been so nice and cozy and now the wind doesn't go straight through me. But my neck is another story. Maybe I'll stitch the cowl up with a different color yarn so if I want to take it apart and knit more I will be able to see the stitching and undo it.
I will show you the result, whatever I decide.
Have to run, Rory needs to go out again! ;)
Stay tuned for Knitting Project No. 2....
hate cold & wind can't wait for spring. either knit project works, do both.