July 1, 2011

Ah, July

Today is the first day of July and I can't believe how fast June went.

When I got up this morning, it was so nice outside, the sun was shining, no one was cutting the grass yet, the pool filter was off. It was so peaceful. A nice time to take a walk through the garden.
Some newly opened lilies.


Verbena, one of my favorites.

A really cool petunia, dark purple, almost black.

I don't know what this plant is. A girl that I work with gave it to me out of her mother's garden. The Cape is loaded with them and so that's why I like them. If anyone knows what this is called, please let me know!

My purple coneflowers, already being attacked by Japanese beetles. Arrgggh!

This year I also have a white coneflower. Can't wait until more of them open.

It was such a perfect morning, we ate breakfast outside. The pool was crystal clear and Big V went swimming right after she ate.

It felt like I was on vacation. I thought, "How did I get so lucky?" I am truly blessed.

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